Mitchell Byrd Snyder
Business Law lawyer from Augusta, GA. Licensed 8 years.
- 8 years of experience
If we evaluate experience strictly according to the number of years in the Business Law field, then Mitchell Byrd Snyder has had a legal license for 8 years. What matters is how this lawyer spent those years and what he accomplished for his clients.
- No client rating
We have not obtained any information about the actual client rating of this lawyer from publicly available sources.
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If you know of real client reviews of Mitchell Byrd Snyder, please let us know. We do not currently have any client testimonials related to this lawyer.
Paid consultation only?
It is not possible to judge from the information available whether Mitchell Byrd Snyder offers any form of free initial consultation. Your best bet is to call the law office directly and ask. If this attorney charges you for the initial consultation, you can find another Business Law lawyer in Augusta, Georgia.- Prices not listed
Mitchell Byrd Snyder has not provided hourly rates for its Business Law-related services. For detailed information, contact a representative of the law firm.
- Contingency fee? Probably not!
As you surely know, contingency fee agreement is primarily used in personal injury claims, worker's compensation claims, Social Security Disability, and debt recovery issues. We are not aware of Mitchell Byrd Snyder offering this form of fee for its services.
- We need your review!
Do you have personal experience with Mitchell Byrd Snyder from Augusta? Due to the small number of client reviews, every honest and objective review is very important to others! Either positive or negative.
Free initial consultation
We recommend that you use the available contact information to verify that Mitchell Byrd Snyder offers a free initial consultation for your case. Don't be put off, most lawyers will offer you a free consultation.Other contact options
The official Website is listed in the profile, use it. If they are updated, you will certainly find useful contact information here. If not, run away.- No contact phone
Mitchell Byrd Snyder did not provide a contact phone number, but there are other ways to contact this law firm. If nothing has changed, then you can find this firm at: 209 Seventh Street, 3rd Floor, Augusta in the State of Georgia
- Website
This should be the official website of this law firm. If the link is incorrect, please contact us.
Personal meeting?
If you have enough information and would like to arrange a personal meeting with this attorney, you can use the phone number or other contacts (email, contact form, chat) and make an appointment (initial consultation) at 209 Seventh Street, 3rd Floor, 30901, Augusta (look at google map).List of Practice Areas
Business Law, Sale & Distribution, Commercial & Business Litigation, Business Law, Commercial Law, Civil Litigation, Corporate Law, Criminal Defense, DUI, DWI, Intellectual Property Law, Labor & Employment Law, Traffic ViolationsOpening Hours
As you can see, Mitchell Byrd Snyder has no specified business hours. There may be several reasons for this. The majority of lawyers in Augusta, Georgia work full time, and the most reliable take phone calls even after business hours. If you are interested in the current "opening hours" of the office, call this lawyer or his assistant and take the first step. After this call, you can arrange a personal meeting with this lawyer at 209 Seventh Street, 3rd Floor, Augusta. Remember that although many lawyers offer free initial consultations, others may charge hundreds of dollars. Are you looking for a law firm whose lawyers speak a language other than English? According to our information, Mitchell Byrd Snyder speaks English .The Team
With no colleagues listed on Mitchell Byrd Snyder profile, it appears he is either self-employed, working with another law firm, or has yet to update the information for 2025. No matter what the case may be, you can evaluate his expertise and credentials before reaching out to ask him questions regarding further details.Law School
Based on our data, this attorney attended The Ohio State University, Class of 1973, J.D. law school. If you have any specific questions about education, you can contact a representative of this company.Type of Case | How much do lawyers charge? | Average rates in 2022 |
Business Law
Laws that govern how to start, buy, close or sell any kind of business. | $245 hourly | $140 - $350 hourly |
Intellectual Property
Intellectual property law deals with trademarks and copyrights. | $450 | $295 – $620 hourly |
Criminal Defense
For those, who have been accused of committing a crime. | Hourly fees are the most common | $150 - $1100 |
DWI usually signals higher levels of intoxication than DUI.. | Flat Fee (no trial) $900 to $5,000. | $100 to $700 |
* The above hourly rates and contingency fees are estimates only and are subject to change. Please contact Mitchell Byrd Snyder for rates valid on 01/05/2025. |
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Mitchell Byrd Snyder is Business Law attorney from Augusta, Georgia
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Official Website
In this digital age, almost everyone relies on Website for providing information about their products and services. Have a look at them to learn more about the organization or even interact with its employees, but be wary and don't take everything you read as gospel truth.You should take the time to read through reviews and look for any possible complaints that may have been filed against the lawyer.
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